haha... 而是你的身边的人在锻炼你的耐力... a good phrase! 学着放慢,不对事情过分执着,hard to achieve this one... as we desperately wanted to success! If let say, we are 20 or 21, then we are fine, but the problem is we are not, no more wasting time, I guess, or maybe target was seted on 25... life's really short, and only achievement is your real life begin... so, that is why can't affort to wait for the long-wait sparks...
好有哲学的一番话, 本人非常的认同。
Be positive....你的价值是不须要寻找的.你不是变透明,而是你的身边的人在锻炼你的耐力.
haha... 而是你的身边的人在锻炼你的耐力... a good phrase! 学着放慢,不对事情过分执着,hard to achieve this one... as we desperately wanted to success! If let say, we are 20 or 21, then we are fine, but the problem is we are not, no more wasting time, I guess, or maybe target was seted on 25... life's really short, and only achievement is your real life begin... so, that is why can't affort to wait for the long-wait sparks...
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